海牛观赏中心刚刚被选为 《澳门线上真人博彩官网》十大最佳读者选择旅游奖 最佳免费景点. 祝贺海牛, 鲨鱼, 射线, 蝴蝶和其他野生动物,还有勤劳的人类, 他也为这个荣誉做出了贡献. 感谢所有为澳门线上真人博彩官网投票的粉丝.
海牛观赏中心在这个季节关闭. 11月1日重新开业时再见!
你好,人类! 来澳门网上真人赌博官网的海牛观赏中心参观吧!
海牛喜欢温暖的海水. 幸运的是,澳门网上真人赌博官网可以提供给他们! Our 大弯电站 in Apollo Beach circulates water from Tampa Bay for cooling, 然后把干净而温暖的水送回海湾. In the winter months the manatees leave colder waters to return to this warm 和 welcoming refuge.
因为这种独特的迁徙, we’ve built the 海牛观赏中心 so everyone could have a chance to see manatees gather. Our discharge canal is a state 和 federally designated manatee sanctuary that provides critical protection from the cold for these unique, 温和的动物.
地点: 迪克曼道6990号.佛罗里达州阿波罗海滩33572
小时: 每日开放时间为11月1日至4月15日,上午10点.m. 到5点.m. 步道下午4点关闭.m. 澳门线上真人博彩官网在感恩节、圣诞节和复活节休息. 平安夜下午三点关门.m. 有问题? 请致电 813-228-4289.
Snouts up - the manatees are the star of the show, but there’s much more to see 和 learn! 海牛观赏中心只是该公园的一部分 佛罗里达的保护 & 技术中心. 客人可以 下载此地图 自由自在 Avenza地图应用程序 查看他们在烟草控制框架公约园区的确切位置.
在澳门网上真人赌博官网的海牛观赏中心,有很多东西可以看,可以做! Visitors can w和er along boardwalks overlooking the warm-water area where manatees gather; visit a newly remodeled education center to learn about the plant-eating, 温血动物”温和的巨人,甚至可以在南岸咖啡馆吃点东西.
Manatees often swim in water less than six-feet deep, where underwater vegetation is most abundant. 可悲的是,这使它们容易受到船只撞击. Scientists estimate there are about 6,000 manatees in Florida's waters, 和 they need our help!
海牛观赏中心 摄像头东 和 西方网络摄像头, sit high above the center's gardens 和 boardwalks 和 are operational through the end of the center's open season on April 15. 拿起相机去探索吧. When the water temperature drops below 68 degrees Fahrenheit you're likely to see many manatees!
注意: You have two minutes to use the camera before control goes to the next in line. If no one else is line, you will be able to control the camera until the next request. You can direct the camera's focus by clicking on the spot within the camera's viewscreen.
大佛罗里达观鸟路线的特色部分, the 海牛观赏中心's tidal walk offers more than just vibrant birdlife – it’s also one of the best spots to view manatees! 在这900英尺高的地方, ADA-compliant walkway you’ll see a variety of native coastal plants 和 trees, 还有动物的生命. 在走道的尽头, 你可以在大本德发电站的清洁区看到海牛, 暖水渠.
Manatees aren't the only creatures you can see up close at 坦帕电's 海牛观赏中心 – there’s also a Rays Touch Tank.
坦克, 这是与佛罗里达水族馆合作的一部分, is the off-season home of the actual mascots of Major League Baseball's Tampa Bay Rays. 它提供了一个迷人的观看牛鼻鳐游泳就在几英寸远, 当它们滑过时,轻轻擦过你的指尖.
As of March 25, 2024 the 射线 have moved to their other home at Tropicana Field. 在本赛季剩下的时间里,射线的触摸体验将无法使用.
Connected to the 海牛观赏中心 is a coastal habitat trail that winds eight-tenths of a mile through saltern, 沿海高沼泽和沿海滨流生境. 它展示了各种各样的植物和动物, 让游客沉浸在宁静中, 佛罗里达的自然环境. 额外的小径和木板路将您连接到所有的 佛罗里达技术和保护中心.
Halfway along the habitat trail is a boardwalk that takes you to our wildlife observation tower. Marvel at the surrounding habitat, including the estuary below, from a 50-foot-high vantage point. 在晴朗的日子里,你可以看到坦帕湾! 带一份野餐午餐,在塔底的一张桌子上享用. We have solar tables throughout the trails where you can relax under the shade of the solar panels while charging your phone or other electronics.
在环境教育大楼内, 丰富多彩的展示让您沉浸在海牛及其栖息地的世界中. 检查真实的海牛骨头,拼出拼图. Me和er through a mangrove tunnel, drift along a seagrass bed 和 take a dive into a spring. 你也可以了解一些澳门线上真人博彩官网当地的海牛. 面对面, 或者澳门线上真人博彩官网应该说鼻子对鼻子, with the dangers manatees face 和 learn how we can help protect these marvelous mammals!
有这么多兴奋的游客, our volunteer docents are a critical part of the 海牛观赏中心’s operation. Many of our docents have been with us for more than 10 years, returning season after season. 在海牛观赏中心做讲解员是一种有益的经历, 在一个独特的美丽和有趣的地方!
如果你愿意做志愿者的话, we ask that you commit at least one day a week for four hours for the duration of the center's season (November 1 - April 15). 如果有兴趣,请发邮件给澳门线上真人博彩官网 联系澳门线上真人博彩官网页面 (请务必在下拉框中选择“海牛观赏中心”). 欢迎18岁及以上有兴趣的讲解员申请.
A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网在感恩节、圣诞节和复活节都不营业. 平安夜澳门线上真人博彩官网下午3点关门.m.
A. Parking is free to the public 和 overflow parking is available as warranted just to the south of the MVC.
A. 这取决于你! 欢迎您住多久就住多久. 澳门线上真人博彩官网早上10点开门.m. 到5点.m. 每天. 平均每组花一到两个小时. (野生动物观察塔和栖息地步道下午4点关闭.m. 每天. 最后一辆高尔夫球车到自然保护中心的时间是下午4:30.m.)
A. Florida weather can be unpredictable, so please check the weather forecast before arriving. 澳门线上真人博彩官网风雨无阻. 参观期间需要穿鞋子和衬衫. 建议穿封闭的鞋子,别忘了涂防晒霜.
A. Yes, we wouldn't want you to miss the opportunity to capture your favorite moments! Please note, professional photography 是严格禁止的 without prior consent.
没有MVC的镜头, 无论是静态图像还是视频, 可以用于个人以外的任何目的吗. 因此, 繁殖, 以任何形式修改或重新传输, 无论如何, 出于个人使用以外的原因, 是严格禁止的.
A. To support the safety 和 wellness of team members, we have temporarily paused meet 和 greets.
A. 只允许在指定区域吸烟.
A. 宠物不得入内. 只有服务性动物才允许进入.
A. Yes, 和 we encourage you to make a group reservation between November 1 - April 15.
A. 海牛观赏中心's docents (volunteer educators) help educate thous和s of center visitors each season about the Florida manatee, 沿海植被和鸟类和鱼类栖息地. The docent's primary responsibility is to greet 和 interact with visitors 和 school groups on behalf of 坦帕电 to promote environmental stewardship.
在海牛观赏中心, there are opportunities to share with visitors information about the protected manatee as well as the diverse plant life 和 amazing wildlife that inhabit Florida's coastal habitats 和 Tampa Bay waters. Many of our docents have volunteered for over 10 years, returning season after season. 志愿者ing for the 海牛观赏中心 is truly a rewarding experience for you 和 for the visitors!
如果你是18岁或以上,并愿意志愿做讲解员, the 海牛观赏中心 will provide you with training materials you need to answer an array of common questions.
We ask that docents commit at least one day a week for three hours for the duration of the center's open season, 从11月1日到4月15日. During that time, the 海牛观赏中心 is open seven days a week, from 10 a.m. 到5点.m. (野生动物观察塔和栖息地步道下午4点关闭.m. 日报). 注意: 该中心在感恩节下午3点关门.m. 在平安夜,圣诞节和复活节.
If you are interested in volunteering 和 becoming a docent, send us an email from our 联系澳门线上真人博彩官网页面 (请务必在下拉框中选择“海牛观赏中心”).